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Alice, a single mother, is a dedicated senior plant breeder at a corporation engaged in developing new species. She has engineered a very special crimson flower, remarkable not only for its beauty but also for its therapeutic value: if kept at the ideal temperature, fed properly and spoken to regularly, this plant makes its owner happy. Against company policy, Alice takes one home as a gift for her teenage son, Joe. They christen it 'Little Joe' but as it grows, so too does Alice's suspicion that her new creations may not be as harmless as their nickname suggests
duration 105 minute
countries Germany

Year 2019
genres Horror

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Something went wrong, but don’t fret — let’s give it another shot. Programmschwerpunkt u. a. mit ORF-Premiere von Hanekes „Happy End“, Bilanz „Stars unter Palmen“, umfassender Berichterstattung in ORF und 3sat „Lovely Rita“, „Hotel“ und „Amour Fou“ haben bei den vergangenen Filmfestspielen von Cannes bereits ihre Weltpremiere gefeiert. Mit ihrem – ebenfalls vom ORF im Rahmen des Film/Fernseh-Abkommens kofinanzierten – Sci-Fi-Thriller „Little Joe“ wurde Jessica Hausner nun zu den 72. Internationalen Filmfestspielen von Cannes (14. bis 25. Mai 2019) in den Wettbewerb um die Goldene Palme eingeladen. In Cannes vertreten ist der ORF außerdem mit den beiden Dokumentartfilmen „Lillian“ (Andreas Horvath) und „Free Lunch Society – Komm, komm Grundeinkommen“ (Christian Tod). Und auch das ORF-Programm steht wieder ganz im Zeichen des Festivals: Nachdem Michael Hanekes „Happy End“ (19. Mai, 23. 05 Uhr, ORF 2) seine ORF-Premiere feiert, steht das Dakapo von Jessica Hausners „Amour Fou“ (26. 40 Uhr, ORF 2) auf dem Programm. Auch im Rahmen der aktuellen ORF-Berichterstattung – u. in den „ZiB“-Ausgaben, im „kulturMontag“, in „Kultur Heute“ oder in den Ö1-„Journalen“ – stehen die Filmfestspiele im Rampenlicht. Traditionell zieht die Sondersendung „Stars unter Palmen – Die Preisverleihung der 72. Filmfestspiele von Cannes“ (26. 05 Uhr, ORF 2) Bilanz. Weltpremiere für ORF-kofinanzierte Filme „Little Joe“ und „Lillian“ Zwei vom ORF im Rahmen des Film/Fernseh-Abkommens kofinanzierte Produktionen feiern bei den diesjährigen Filmfestspielen von Cannes ihre Weltpremiere: Die Wiener Filmemacherin Jessica Hausner – die sowohl für Regie als auch Drehbuch (gemeinsam mit Geraldine Bajard) verantwortlich zeichnet – erzählt in ihrem neuesten Sci-Fi-Thriller „Little Joe“ von einer Alleinerzieherin und leidenschaftlichen Wissenschafterin im Bereich der Grünen Gentechnik. Diese züchtet nicht nur eine neue Spezies, die schön aussieht und gut riecht, sondern die auch noch glücklich macht. Doch mit der Zeit erhärtet sich der Verdacht, dass diese purpurrote Blume vielleicht doch nicht ganz so harmlos ist, wie es auf den ersten Blick scheinen mag. In den Hauptrollen standen für diesen Spielfilm u. Emily Beecham, Ben Whishaw und Kerry Fox vor der Kamera. Unter insgesamt 19 Filmen ist „Little Joe“ im Wettbewerb um die Goldene Palme („Sélection Officielle“), die am Sonntag, dem 25. Mai, verliehen wird. Der Kinostart ist für Winter 2019/2020 geplant. In der Reihe „Quinzaine des Réalisateurs“ präsentiert wird der Dokumentarfilm „Lillian“: Lillian, als Emigrantin in New York gestrandet, macht sich entschlossen auf den langen Weg, um zu Fuß in ihre Heimat Russland zurückzukehren. Andreas Horvath präsentiert damit ein Roadmovie, das quer durch die USA, hinein in die Kälte Alaskas zieht. Christian Tods Doku „Free Lunch Society – Komm, komm Grundeinkommen”, die 2018 bereits ihre ORF-Premiere als „“ feierte, läuft als einer von mehreren sozialpolitisch relevanten Filmen in der Sektion „Cinema positif“. Die Produktion beleuchtet das bedingungslose Grundeinkommen als Menschenrecht ohne Gegenleistung, vermittelt Hintergrundwissen, Erklärungen und Möglichkeiten zu dessen Umsetzung. Cannes im ORF und in 3sat ORF-Premiere für „Happy End“ Sonntag, 19. Mai 2019 23. 05 Uhr in ORF 2 „Rundherum die Welt und wir mittendrin, blind. “ Ein „Happy End“ der etwas anderen Art verspricht Michael Hanekes jüngstes Werk, das 2018 für Österreich ins Rennen um den Auslands-Oscar ging und im Wettbewerb um die Goldene Palme bei den Filmfestspielen in Cannes war. Zum zweiten Mal nach „Amour“ macht der Starregisseur Jean-Louis Trintignant und Isabelle Huppert zu einem Vater-Tochter-Paar und versetzt die beiden am Sonntag, dem 19. Mai, um 23. 05 Uhr in ORF 2 mit u. Mathieu Kassovitz, Fantine Harduin, Franz Rogowski, Laura Verlinden und Toby Jones mitten in einen Drei-Generationen-Konflikt. Denn nicht nur das Fundament der Bauunternehmer-Dynastie beginnt zu bröckeln, auch privat spitzen sich die Probleme zu. Doch wer glaubt schon noch tatsächlich an ein „Happy End“? Michael Hanekes französisch-deutsch-österreichische Version einer schwarzen Komödie avanciert zur Momentaufnahme einer bürgerlichen europäischen Familie und zu einem abgründigen Gesellschaftsporträt. ORF/WEGA Film "Happy End": Fantine Harduin (Eve Laurent), Jean-Louis Trintignant (Georges Laurent), Isabelle Huppert (Anne Laurent), Laura Verlinden (Anaïs Laurent), Toby Jones (Lawrence Bradshaw), Mathieu Kassovitz (Thomas Laurent) „Amour Fou“-Dakapo Sonntag, 26. 40 Uhr in ORF 2 November 1811, nahe Berlin: Zwei Schüsse hallen durch die kalte Herbstlandschaft. Wie sich später herausstellen soll, hat Heinrich von Kleist zuerst seine verheiratete Geliebte Henriette Vogel und dann sich selbst umgebracht. Denn allein wollte der junge Dichter nicht aus dem Leben scheiden und hat sich für sein Vorhaben deshalb eine Partnerin gesucht. Von ebendieser „Amour Fou“ erzählt Jessica Hausner am Sonntag, dem 26. 40 Uhr in ORF 2 im gleichnamigen Kinodrama, das 2014 in Cannes seine Weltpremiere feierte und nicht nur auf zahlreichen Filmfestivals vertreten war, sondern auch national wie international gewürdigt wurde. Vor der Kamera dieser internationalen Produktion spielen u. Birte Schnöink, Christian Friedel, Stephan Grossmann, Sandra Hüller, Holger Handtke, Barbara Schnitzler und Alissa Wilms. Jessica Hausner zeichnet für Regie und Drehbuch verantwortlich. ORF/Stadtkino Filmverleih Birte Schnöink (Henriette), Christian Friedel (Heinrich) Aktuelle TV-Berichterstattung im ORF und in 3sat Im Rahmen der umfassenden Kulturberichterstattung u. in den „ZiB“-Ausgaben, den Daytime-Formaten sowie „Kultur Heute Spezial“ in ORF III bringt der „kulturMontag“ am 27. Mai (23. 05 Uhr, ORF 2) einen ausführliche Nachbericht zur diesjährigen Ausgabe des Filmfestivals. Bereits am Sonntag, dem 26. Mai, widmet sich die traditionelle Sondersendung „Stars unter Palmen“ (23. 20 Uhr, ORF 2) den Preisträgerinnen und Preisträgern, stellt die interessantesten Filme des Festivals vor, zeigt die spannendsten Künstlerinterviews und die glanzvollsten Momente. 3sat sendet bereits am Samstag, dem 25. Mai, um 19. 20 Uhr eine „Kulturzeit extra: Filmfestspiele Cannes 2019“. Valery HACHE / AFP Radio- und Online-Berichterstattung im ORF zu Cannes Ö1 berichtet aktuell im Rahmen der „Journale“ und im „Kulturjournal“ (Montag bis Freitag, 17. 09 Uhr). Für radio FM4 widmet sich Filmjournalistin Gini Brenner on air und auf den Filmfestspielen. und ORF TELETEXT informieren im Rahmen der aktuellen Kulturberichterstattung laufend über das Geschehen in Cannes. Die ORF-TVthek stellt Sendungen des ORF-TV-Programms, für die entsprechende Lizenzrechte vorhanden sind, als Live-Stream und als Video-on-Demand auf bereit. Der O RF TELETEXT informiert in den Magazinen Leute (103 bzw. ab 145) sowie Kultur und Show (Seiten 107 und 110 bzw. ab Seite 190) ausführlich über die diesjährigen Filmfestspiele. Link:.

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Happy birthday. Free stream kucuk joe today. 9:59 When You Escape from Sheppard Pratt. Free stream kucuk joe song. Free stream k c3 bc c3 a7 c3 bck joe vs. 12:34 was I the only one who yelled this when he came out “DANG HE GROWN HE SEXYY”. Free stream k c3 bc c3 a7 c3 bck joe price. I was expecting big things of this one and I really wanted to like it.
The minimalist style with it's pale, pastel colors may not be to everybody's taste. I quite liked it though.
But if you make such an artsy-fartsy movie, it better has some substance to go with it.
This is where the movie falls royally short. In fact I would call it a new benchmark in absolute stupidity.
There is so much wrong with the (largely nonexistant) plot, I don't know where to begin.
Warning, here be spoilers!
The plants are grown in a "secure" lab with access restrictions and safety measurements. At one point we see Ben Whishaw's character disinfecting the soles of his shoes after coming out of the greenhouse. Still they think a rag held by elastic bands around the ears is totally fine around experimental plants with possibly dangerous pollen.
Despite all this security, the main character brings one of those experimental plants home to her son and put it in his room, wide open without any security measures at all.
Even when she strongly suspects the plant may be harmful and even after her son shows strange behavior, she still leaves the plant in his room. And for some reason she still is not "infected" herself.
The other colleague who pretends to be infected (without even knowing what that means) exposes herself at a totally random point without any reason or consequences.
Two kids have no problem breaking into the "secure" lab during nighttime and stay undetected. They also steal a plant which is noticed by the staff later but does not really seem to worry anybody.
The only reason I was watching this to the end was my hope of a finale that would make sense and maybe explain some of the holes that were left open.
No such luck though. There is no real ending, it just peters out and then it's over.
If you like earshattering Kabuki-style music, soul-less acting, gaping plotholes and movies that make no sense at all, absolutely go for it. Avoid otherwise.

Little Joe (2019) Full Movie Click Here Full HD Movie ➭➭➭ Alice, a single mother, is a dedicated senior plant breeder at a corporation engaged in developing new species. Against company policy, she takes one home as a gift for her teenage son, Joe. Director: Jessica Hausner Writers: Géraldine Bajard, Jessica Hausner Stars: Emily Beecham, Ben Whishaw, Kerry Fox Rating: N/A Release Date: 6 December 2019 (USA) Country: Drama, Sci-Fi ✬Watch Little Joe Movie WEB-DL This is a file losslessly ripped from a streaming service, such as Netflix, Amazon Video, Hulu, Crunchyroll, Discovery GO, BBC iPlayer, etc. This is also a movie or TV show downloaded via an online distribution website, such as iTunes. The quality is quite good since they are not re-encoded. The video (H. 264 or H. 265) and audio (AC3/Little Joe C) streams are usually extracted from the iTunes or Amazon Video and then remuxed into a MKV container without sacrificing quality. ✴Download Movie Little Joe One of the movie streaming industry’s largest impacts has been on the DVD industry, which effectively met its demise with the mass popularization of online content. The rise of media streaming has caused the downfall of many DVD rental companies such as Blockbuster. In July 2015 an article from the New York Times published an article about Netflix’s DVD services. It stated that Netflix is continuing their DVD services with 5. 3 million subscribers, which is a significant drop from the previous year. On the other hand, their streaming services have 65 million members. In a March 2016 study assessing the “Impact of Movie Streaming over traditional DVD Movie Rental” it was found that respondents do not purchase DVD movies nearly as much anymore, if ever, as streaming has taken over the market. Watch Movie Little Joe, viewers did not find movie quality to be significantly different between DVD and online streaming. Issues that respondents believed needed improvement with movie streaming included functions of fast forwarding or rewinding, as well as search functions. The article highlights that the quality of movie streaming as an industry will only increase in time, as advertising revenue continues to soar on a yearly basis throughout the industry, providing incentive for quality content production. ✵Watch Little Joe Movie Online Blu-ray or Bluray rips are encoded directly from the Blu-ray disc to 1080p or 720p (depending on disc source), and use the x264 codec. They can be ripped from BD25 or BD50 discs (or UHD Blu-ray at higher resolutions). BDRips are from a Blu-ray disc and encoded to a lower resolution from its source (i. e. 1080p to 720p/576p/480p). A BRRip is an already encoded video at an HD resolution (usually 1080p) that is then transcoded to a SD resolution. Watch Little Joe Movie BD/BRRip in DVDRip resolution looks better, regardless, because the encode is from a higher quality source. BRRips are only from an HD resolution to a SD resolution whereas BDRips can go from 2160p to 1080p, etc as long as they go downward in resolution of the source disc. Watch Little Joe Movie FullBDRip is not a transcode and can fluxate downward for encoding, but BRRip can only go down to SD resolutions as they are transcoded. BD/BRRips in DVDRip resolutions can vary between XviD or x264 codecs (commonly 700 MB and 1. 5 GB in size as well as larger DVD5 or DVD9: 4. 5 GB or 8. 4GB), size fluctuates depending on length and quality of releases, but the higher the size the more likely they use the x264 codec. Download Little Joe Movie HDRip Little Joe full Movie Watch Online Little Joe full English Full Movie Little Joe full Full Movie, Little Joe full Full Movie Streaming Little Joe Full Movie Eng-Sub Watch Little Joe full English Full Movie Online Little Joe full Film Online Watch Little Joe full English Film Little Joe full movie stream free Download Little Joe full movie Studio Little Joe Pelicula Completa Little Joe Film Complete.

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Download Full Zombi child care. 9:28 - BREAKING BAD MOVIE Trailer (2019. Download Full Zombi child destiny. Download Full Zombi child abuse. Дитя мертвецов/Дитя зомби / The Child/Kill and Go Hide/Zombie Child Год выпуска: 1977 Страна: США Жанр: ужасы Продолжительность: 1:22 Перевод: Любительский (одноголосый) Русские субтитры: нет Режиссер: Robert Voskanian В ролях: Laurel Barnett: Rosalie Cole; Frank Janson; Richard Hanners; Ruth Ballan Описание: Молодая женщина приезжает в дом, находящийся в американской глубинке, чтобы стать там няней для девочки, живущей с отцом и старшим братом. Няню приглашают потому, что у малышки умерла мать, и папа надеется, что его дочь будет наконец-то не обделена женским вниманием, а то в последнее время она всё ходит и ходит на кладбище, где тоскует по своей маме. Только лишь мы, кроме самой девочки, можем видеть, зачем она туда ходит. Благодаря своим странным парапсихологическим способностям она пробуждает к жизни зомби, которых поначалу подкармливает свеженькими барсиками. Но это до поры до времени, пока её праведный гнев не обрушится на людей, проживающих в округе, а мертвецы станут оружием в её жестокой мести. Может быть это как-то связано со смертью её матери, и она, войдя с ней в спиритический контакт, пытается разыскать виновных в её гибели и заслуженно наказать их. Но вот в чём виноваты другие, ни в чём неповинные люди, среди которых молоденькая няня, уже успевшая “спеться” с её братом, а также отец, думающий только о благе своей кровинушки? … Доп. информация: Качество: DVD5 Формат: DVD Video Видео кодек: MPEG2 Аудио кодек: AC3 Видео: NTSC 4:3 (720x480) VBR Аудио: Russian (Dolby AC3, 1 ch)

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Download full zombi child game. Download full zombi child play. Download full zombi child video. Download Full Zombi child and adolescent. Yes. The Soskas do Cronenberg. I love them. Комментариев: 20 / Просмотров: 164278 Описание игры: В ноябре 2012 года японская компания Nintendo выпустила новую консоль — Wii U. Одновременно с этим состоялся релиз эксклюзивной игры ZombiU, созданной именитым разработчиком и издателем Ubisoft в сотрудничестве с австралийской студией Straight Right. Прошло несколько лет, и компания Ubisoft решила-таки портировать свой проект на другие платформы: PlayStation 4, Xbox One и конечно же можно будет скачать ZombiU через торрент на компьютер. Чтобы не возникало путаницы, из названия для новых версий была убрана буква «U». Сюжет ZombiU на PC: Очевидно, что сюжет посвящен ожившим мертвецам, которые, само собой, не дружить с героем собираются. Иными словами, речь о выживании в мире зомби-апокалипсиса. Что уж там произошло, неизвестно, но милый Лондон наполнился толпами жутких созданий, жаждущих человеческой плоти. Геймер — чудом спасшийся от эпидемии человек, которому теперь предстоит спастись и от ее последствий, причем тоже, судя по всему, чудом. Дело в том, что мертвецов очень много, они очень голодны и подстерегают на каждом шагу. В общем, времени на размышления не предоставляется — действовать надо быстро! Особенности геймплея: ZombiU в полной мере позволяет насладиться оригинальным геймпадом консоли Wii U, предусматривающим дисплей и дополнительное сенсорное управление. Одной из главных фишек в этой игре является экран интерфейса. Геймпад как бы выполняет функцию рюкзака, в котором герой хранит разные важные для выживания вещи. Суть в том, что интерфейс рюкзака не предусматривает паузы, то есть геймер будет искать необходимые предметы, так сказать, в режиме реального времени. В общем, выглядит это примерно так: геймер перевел взгляд с телевизора на дисплей контроллера, чтобы, скажем, достать что-нибудь съестное, а тут на тебе — внезапно обнаруживает, что съестным стал он сам... Смерть героя тоже весьма любопытное явление в ZombiU. После этого несчастного происшествия геймер как бы возрождается, однако уже не в своем прежнем теле. А свое прежнее тело предстоит найти, чтобы вернуть заветный рюкзачок с важными вещицами. Правда, тело это теперь превратилось в зомби, причем в жадного зомби — просто так он рюкзачок не отдаст. ZombiU была встречена очень позитивно, в частности, благодаря необычным особенностям геймплея, которые обеспечил новый геймпад от Nintendo. Как эти эксклюзивные фишки будут реализованы на других консолях, пока неизвестно. Однако стоит ожидать, что компания Ubisoft придумает что-нибудь эдакое, чтобы сохранить уникальность проекта, поскольку обычных игр про зомби и без того хватает. Добавим также, что в Zombi не будет мультиплеера. Вероятно, из-за особенностей геймпада Wii U. Просто в режиме совместной игры один геймер мог строить разные козни другому через дисплей контроллера. Без этой фишки мультиплеер не будет таким увлекательным. Итак, узнать все, что еще неизвестно, можно будет совсем скоро — скачать торрент ZombiU на PC можно будет уже 18-го августа. Недавно вышли: Трейлер / Геймплей: Скриншоты из игры: Размер: 8. 86 GB | RePack от R. G. Steamgames Скачать торрент Размер: 10. 59 GB | RePack от xatab Также рекомендуем похожие игры: Комментарии Информация Чтобы оставить комментарий нужно пройти регистрацию!

Houston-based photographer Brittany Bentine makes a living turning children into zombies. Bentine is the owner of Locked Illusions, which bills itself as "America's First Goth/Alt and fantasy themed photographic art for maternity, babies, kids, families, and teens. " At the photo studio-turned-fantasyland, kids are splattered with fake blood, smudged with dark makeup, and made to look like they've risen from the dead. Her hauntingly gory photographs of children seem to have struck a nerve as of late. Several people have populated Bentine's Facebook page with nasty comments more or less likening what she does to child abuse. Her work has been called "very disturbing, " "demonic, " and "sick. " One forum post succinctly remarked: "wtf Kill the parents. " Even Telemundo did a story on the " controversy " surrounding Bentine's work. Despite the negative reactions, Bentine still has enough clients to make a livelihood. I reached out to find out a little more about her work and what inspires parents to commission these ghastly photoshoots. VICE: Where did the idea to combine macabre imagery with children originate? Brittany Bentine: I started with shooting more of the "normal" stuff and grew bored kind of quickly with that. I always wanted to do darker imagery. I have my own children and they actually enjoyed it. So I started with them and I expanded out and shooting more of it. Honestly, I didn't think at first that people would pick up on it, but I figured it was worth a shot. I have always been drawn to darker things, since childhood. Working with children is something I did with my previous work and thought I would continue with the darker looks. There wasn't much [darker photography with children], so I thought it would be an interesting spin. How long have you been doing it? Three to four years of the darker stuff, and about six or seven years of photography in total. It's a full-time thing now. Do the ideas come mostly from you or from the clients? I do have a few clients that come to me with a basic idea and I'll expand on that and give ideas for clothing and makeup. Rarely, there's a client that comes up with an all-packed idea already. Nine times out of ten, I come up with the complete concept individualized to each person. How much manipulation do you do for your pictures? If there's a prop that I just can't get a hold of, I would manipulate that in. But that's really rare. Usually the only major manipulations for the zombie looks especially are the eyes. I never use contacts on children. For adults, sometimes contacts won't look as good as the actual manipulations do for whatever reason. And sometimes the contacts are awesome. It really is case by case—but there's only so many contact choices out there anyway. And the blood? All the makeup and the blood and stuff we use is Blood Gel. There's this one called Bloody Scab—I like it because it's nice and thick in texture. It comes off very easily and it doesn't stain. Though I have used the liquid stuff as well. On Motherboard: Why You Really Should Be Afraid of the Zombie Apocalypse Were you surprised by the negative reactions to your work? I wasn't super surprised. I kind of expected some of it. I guess maybe in a photography forum it's different, but we've been dealing with zombie children for a very, very long time in the entertainment industry—in Hollywood movies and things like that. It's not something brand new in terms of the concept. We have The Omen, we have Children of the Corn, and these are horror films with children characters. What are your thoughts on the objections about children being models for this type of thing? Everybody has a right to their opinion. Nobody is going to like the same two things. Some people like landscape paintings and some do not. It's really up in the air—everyone likes something different. The kids are having a lot of fun. No one's being tortured, nobody's being tormented. I've said this so many times: If a child [is] not having fun then that's it. And I have had this happen one time. If they are in distress, if it's not something they want to do, if they become frightened then that shoot would not be happening. I would cut the shoot short. We wouldn't do it. Usually the parents are really good with letting me know: "Hey, my kid's a little shy and a little timid" or "I'm not sure if this is right for my child and this is why. " When they start talking to me about that sort of thing, that's when I proceed to tell them if this is not something you are certain about with your child, then it's probably not something you should pursue. What do the kids say when they see the pictures? I've had a girl that shot with me a year ago and still to this day she loves it. She's very proud of it, she's very excited. Because they kind of look at it as helping create a piece of art. They know that it's fake, they know that it's fantasy, and whenever they see the final project they're very excited. Do you have a "typical" customer? I'm sure you have more clients during Halloween; what are other types of occasions you do shoots for? I get some that come to me because it's Halloween season, but I book all year round. Some of them just really are horror fans and they want this for their living room. Simply stated, they love the look of it. They're very involved in the horror scene and it's a family tradition. One woman may decorate her house in ocean themes and daisies, but the next family may decorate with something more dark and macabre—and that's totally fine. Everybody has their right to preference. The original editions of many well-known fairy tales were much darker than their current popular versions, no doubt due to the concerns of many parents over exposing younger readers to this subject matter. Do you think people's objections to children participating in zombie or horror themed photo shoots is indicative of the same attitude? Oh, most certainly. I've read about those things, too. I know that we are very sheltered as a society when it comes to death and the rituals of death. People in this day and age really shy away from that topic when death actually can become a very healthy topic to be had. I've had death in my life, I've lost family members and things. And we're not really prepared as a society for the talk. Back in the day in Victorian times that was something openly discussed. That was something that was not shied away from. And in some aspects, I kind of feel like they might've had a healthier outlook on everything as far as that goes. I've known people that have lost a loved one and it's very hard to talk about things that they really wish to discuss and they don't know who to turn to about certain matters because the discussion would be very taboo. So a lot of times they keep to themselves. But at the end of the day, we're all different and who's to say what's truly right and what's truly wrong? How do you respond to people who call your work sick or disturbing? Just because something is not right for you, doesn't mean it's not right for somebody else. Nobody deserves to be treated badly for decisions that they make for their own families. I get people that have said bad things about me or my art. Fortunately for me, I have a thick skin, so it's not soul-crushing. But what does bother me is when people express love for my art and then you have people attacking them and their character. I don't find that very tactful or cool at all. But as far as my artwork goes, if somebody doesn't like it, they have a right to their opinion, and that's fine. Follow Simon Davis on Twitter.

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A fotografia como linguagem. Genial. Convertir fotografia a caricatura online. So sweet god bless you, I appreciate ur love for nature and environment conservation. Ur photography is superb too, definately u showed me the way to look at things in a right perspective... I can relate better if am on motherland. The perceived value of your products and the trustworthiness of your brand is often judged based on the quality of your visual presentation. That means having high-quality, beautiful product photography can go a long way. However, not every store owner can afford to invest in a professional photography studio, especially when they’re just starting out. DIY product photography provides a great alternative, and as long as you know the proper tools and techniques, taking compelling product photos is well within your grasp. But it's not just aesthetics we're talking about. Showcasing your products with high-quality images can also be the difference between a conversion and no sale at all. This is particularly true if you’re also distributing your products on marketplace sites like Amazon, where your product photos are displayed alongside those of your competitors. The perceived value of your products is directly impacted by the quality of your product photography. But when you're just starting out, getting your product photos up to par can be intimidating because professional photography is often expensive. There are hundreds of product photography tools to help you get the job done yourself, though. As a business owner with lean startup roots, I understand this more than anyone. I also know that sometimes the money is just not there. If that’s you and your budget is tight, have you thought about taking the DIY approach to product photography? It’s not as hard as you might think. There are lots of techniques for shooting successful product photos, but the one I’m going to show you is commonly known as The Window Light Technique. From someone who photographs products every day, this tutorial has been specifically crafted for business owners on a budget. It’s designed to be simple while producing excellent, high-quality results for most product types. Enjoy! Free Video Guide: DIY Product Photography Learn how to take beautiful product photos on a budget with our free, comprehensive video guide. Get the free video guide Product photography equipment you’ll need Gear is at the heart of photography and can be really exciting, but it can also be very confusing for newcomers. There’s no need to spend a large portion of your budget on high-tech equipment, so keep an open mind and try not to overspend on gadgets that light your product no better than a $5 piece of card can, for example. You can probably do this window light setup for $20 or less if you already own a camera. You’re only going to need a few things for this setup. 1. Camera You don’t need a crazy camera system. While shooting images with a Nikon D810 (~$2, 000) sporting a 105mm f1. 4 lens ($740) is awesome, it’s also totally unnecessary in this case. Still, if you’re feeling excited and have the budget for a new camera system for this project, I suggest reading a post I wrote on Quora, which offers tips to help you pick out a good camera for product photography. If all you have is your smartphone, that's ok too. Check out this helpful guide to smartphone product photography. When I did the test images for this article, I started with my older model (2008), beat-to-hell Canon G10 point-and-shoot. I love the Canon G series point-and-shoots because they can go full manual and they shoot a really nice raw file. I picked this camera because it’s definitely not top of the line anymore, allowing me to demonstrate that even with modest equipment, good results are attainable. So what camera do you need? I would just start out with whatever you have handy and see what the results are. It’s a common myth that it’s the camera that takes the pictures. In reality, the camera is only one piece of the whole. A photograph is made up of a series of choices that includes: lighting, exposure, styling, and post-processing. 2. Tripod Not to get too technical, but you’re going to set your camera to a very small aperture so that you can have the most depth of field your camera is capable of. The width of the depth of field defines the area of sharp focus and to get to that you need the largest f/stop number your camera can obtain. Shutter speed and f/stop are related. Since a larger f/stop number, like f/8, lets in less light, you’ll need to counter that by using a slower shutter speed to allow more light through. When a camera has a slow shutter, you can’t hand hold it or the subject will be blurry, so a tripod is your answer. If you’re interested in learning more about the fundamentals of photography, check out this video I did with Harrington College of Design. I realize that most point-and-shoots may not allow you to choose your f/stop. That’s OK and there are ways to get around this, which I’ll discuss in the step-by-step. Again, you shouldn’t need to spend a whole lot of money on a tripod at this point in your adventure and there are many, many options out there that are under $30. I did a quick search on Amazon and found something that would work for $20. 3. White background There are lots of options for a white background and if you’re going to be shooting a lot, you may want to get a white sweep from Amazon. I prefer a paper sweep because sweeps get dirty, and you can just cut off the dirty part and roll a new piece down. A really cheap option is to go to your local drugstore or art store and buy some poster board. I’ve seen it as low as $7 for 10 sheets of poster board. Remember to look for pure white as off-white or cream will be more difficult. 4. White bounce cards made of foam board When you’re lighting with window light, there will be a bright side where the light is striking the product and a shadow side. This shadow side will typically be too dark and so we use something white to reflect the light back into the shadow, brightening it up. Foam board makes a great bounce card because it's rigid and white. Alternatively, you can use black foam board to make the shadows deeper. This is particularly helpful if you’re shooting a white product on a white background. Adding black foam board to the sides, just outside of the photo, behind the product will create a dark edge on the white product. Combine a white bounce card at the front and black bounce cards in the back for a more sophisticated lighting setup. You can buy foam board on Amazon or at a local drugstore. Keep in mind this is just a white card, so you might be able to balance a sheet of white printer paper or use a piece of poster board instead. 5. Table A standard, 24-27 inch wide folding table works best. 6. Tape Depending on the table you end up with, you can use tape or clamps to secure your board so that it sweeps properly. 7. The right room A room with windows next to a wall is perfect. The bigger the window, the more light you’ll get in. Being closer to the window will create a softer light with darker, softer shadows. Being farther away will give a more even light, but with lighter, sharper shadows. How to photograph your product on a white background Alright, let's get into the step-by-step process for shooting your product photos. Step 1: Set up your table Once you have collected your gear, it’s time to set up your shooting area. Place your table as close to the window as possible without intersecting the shadow from the windowsill. You’ll want to start with the window 90 degrees to the right or left of your setup. The closer you are to the window and the larger the window, the softer the light will be. Also, remember to turn off all other lights inside the room you’re shooting in as other light will contaminate the set. This is very important and is the most common mistake I see. You can try rotating the set so the window is at 45 degrees or try shooting with the window straight on for a different style of lighting. Food photography, for example, is often shot with a window behind the setup and the camera shooting into the window for a more dramatic photo. Another variation is setting up in a garage with the door open, which will have the same qualities as a window, just without the glass. You do not want direct sunlight hitting your set. Direct sunlight is harsh, and looks bad on most models and products. Step 2: Set up your sweep There are a lot of ways to do this, but the ultimate goal is to have your sweep vertical. You may need to roll up the board to help it reach that shape. In my setup above, I placed the table against the wall, and taped the sweep to the wall and the table. If you don’t have a wall, you’re going to have to make something to secure the back of the sweep to. Some bricks or a wooden block would work well. Place your product in the center on the flat part of the sweep and leave enough room to sneak your white reflector card in later. In this case, our product is a cool Skyrim & Doom toy available from Symbiote Studios. Thanks guys! Step 3: Set up your camera Every camera is a little different. Some cameras are fully auto and some have the ability to make adjustments. The beauty of this window light setup is that you can set everything to auto if you must and it will still work. Set your white balance (WB) to auto (AWB). Turn your flash setting off. Set your image settings to the highest quality (RAW, if you have it. ) Most point-and-shoot cameras don’t have the RAW setting, but if you do, then use it. This file is the largest the camera can shoot and it utilizes the full bit depth of the camera. You will have to edit in a software that reads RAW imagery (e. g. Photoshop, Bridge, Lightroom, Aperture), though. If you don’t have RAW, set it to the largest JPG setting you have. On my Canon, there are two settings to look out for: Size. L- (large), M- (medium), S- (small). Pick large. This setting determines the file size and you almost always want to shoot at its largest file size for optimal image quality. You can always shrink an image once it is taken, but you can’t make it larger. Quality. S (superfine), F (fine), N (normal). You should always set it to superfine. This setting determines the number of pixels that are used on the camera sensor. Not using all the available pixels will render a lower quality image. Set your ISO to 100 as well. The ISO controls the sensitivity of the sensor. The higher the ISO, the more noise there is. Typically, the lowest ISO you can set your camera to is ISO 100, so set it there if you can. Exposure Settings Option A: Set your camera to Manual (M) This is the best setting for this type of work because nothing will be moving or changing as you take the pictures. In Manual, change your f/stop to the highest number, which will give you the greatest depth of field. Preview the image on the back of the camera through liveview. Everything is probably pretty dark, which is ok. Now, switch to your shutter speed and rotate the dial to make it bright enough that the image is properly exposed. Your shutter number should be going down as you do so. For example, your number may go from 1/60 to 1/4. These are fractions of a second, which your shutter will be open for. As the number lowers, it will let more light in. Adjust this number until the preview of the image is correct. Option B: Use aperture priority Your camera may not have this either, but if it does, change the f/stop to the highest number. This should automatically adjust the shutter to be what the camera thinks it should be. This may be wrong and you may need to use the exposure compensation dial to add light. Option C: Auto exposure If you’re stuck in the all-auto world, there may not be much you can do. Don’t fret, it’s not a big deal. If you have an exposure compensation dial, you will most likely need to add +1 or +1. 5 to get the correct exposure. If all you have is the running man images to choose from, try picking something like sunset. With the iPhone, just tap the area you want exposed properly. Use the histogram on the back of the camera. You’re looking for the slope to be closer to the right-hand side, like in the image above. 💡 Exposure Tip: Don’t trust the image on the back of the camera, instead pay attention to the histogram to know if your exposure is correct. The far right-hand side is white and the left-hand side is black. In the example image above, there is a little gap on the right-hand side, which means that there is no pure white. Adjust the exposure until the part of the curve representing the white background is touching the right edge without going over. In this example above, you would probably need to add 1/3 of a stop, or one click, for more light. Zoom In Cameras typically have an optical zoom and a digital zoom. Don’t use the digital zoom as this will lower the quality of the image because it’s essentially just cropping the digital image. If you have an optical zoom, try zooming in as far as you can without going digital zoom. A longer zoom will remove distortion caused by a wide angle lens. Cell phones, for example, have a very wide angle lens, which is a common issue. Step 4: Set up your product in the middle of the surface Setting up your product is one of those things that seems simple, but can take time to perfect. If it’s a bottle, for example, you have to keep the label type centered. Often there are many tiny movements and adjustments required to get everything lined up perfectly. Step 5: Set up the reflector card This simple white card is the single most important light modifier we have in our studio and I use it for every shoot. The light will bounce off the card and fill in all the shadows. How you position this card is a matter of taste, so try it at different angles to the product. Step 6: Take the picture and evaluate Once you take the picture, take some time and really look at what you’ve created. This is where experience and education comes into play. What’s working, what isn’t working and what can you do to make it better? Experiment with different methods of making your image better and, over time, your skills will naturally improve. Upload your images to your computer to get a better idea of how they look. The back of your camera is never very accurate. I suggest using Adobe Lightroom to organize all your images. It can also be used to do almost all of your editing except very advanced processes. You’ll no doubt need to make some adjustments to the images to get them to look just right. Post-production software like Adobe Lightroom is very in-depth and we don’t have time to go into the details of using it right now because it’s simply too much. Step 7: Get your pictures retouched Once you’ve got a final image you’re happy with, it’s time to get it retouched. If you photographed your product correctly, the product should be properly exposed and your background should be a light gray. It should look something like the un-retouched images above. Comparing them to the retouched versions shows you how important this step of the process actually is. The retouching tasks associated with on-white photography can be tricky without a lot of training. So, instead of trying to teach you advanced Photoshop, I’m going to show you how to outsource it. You’d be surprised how affordable this can be. For $3-5 an image, you can have a professional retouching company improve your images for you. Finding a good company can be tough, but Pixelz is one of my favorite options. Their software allows you to upload and manage your retouching from start to finish. Prices start at $1. 45 per image with a $25 minimum, but you get three free test photos to start. Optimizing images for your website Search engine optimization (SEO) is important for all online retailers. One thing that is especially important is the load speed of your website. Large product images can really be a burden on this. There is a delicate balance between image quality and optimization because if you over-optimize, it destroys the image quality. As a rule of thumb, I make my images no larger than 200kb, but shoot for the smallest image I possibly can. Resize your image for the container The first way to optimize your image is to resize the height and width of the image. When you look at an image on a website, you are actually looking at an html container with an image dynamically scaled to fit inside it. If the container on my website is a 648px square and the actual image is a 1500px square, it will be displayed at 648px, but the image it’s referencing will still load at 1500px. That’s a lot of extra load time, especially if you have many images. 1. Figure out the html container size You want to resize the actual image to fit the container before you upload it to your website. I usually resize my images 1. 5x larger than the container so it looks good on a retina screen, which in this example, would be a 972px square. To discover the image container size, you will need to access your web browser’s Developer Tools. Right click on the image and choose Inspect Element. On the sidebar, it will show the pixel dimensions of the container. 2. Resize the image There are many free tools to help you resize your image. I recommend using Mac Preview or Microsoft Picture because they’re built-in and easy to use. After you’ve resized the image, export it and save it to the desktop as a JPEG at 100%. 3. Compress the image Once you’ve saved the image at 100% quality in Preview, you’ll notice that the file size is actually fairly large. We don’t want Preview to compress the image because we can’t see the results of moving the JPEG compression slider. When we compress an image, it actually removes data that’s not being used. Compress it too much and the image starts to fall apart, and it looks super blotchy. So instead we want to compress the image smartly. In the past, I used to recommend Adobe Photoshop’s Save For Web function because as you lower the slider, you would get a preview. Recently I discovered a software called that uses an algorithm to determine the best compression for your image. After running a couple thousand images through it, I’m impressed with how quick and easy it is. Summary Recommendations Image size: 1 to 1. 5x the html container the image is in. Format: JPEG Colorspace: SRGB Compression: Compressed using after export. Reasons to use window light instead of a light tent The number one question I get is whether or not to get a light tent. Window light is easy because it is a one light setup. Plus it’s cheap and easy to do. When shooting with a light tent, you enter into a multi-light setup, which adds a level of complexity requiring education beyond a simple intro article. Multi-light setups introduce the following issues: You have to buy lots of extra gear and it can get expensive. The cost of the light tent and lighting can add up, possibly costing more than hiring a professional. You’ll need to understand how to balance the exposure of the different lights and how to position them properly. Learning how f/stops and shutter speeds work in relation to lights can be challenging. Color balancing lights becomes a concern as each light source has a different color, which is called color temperature. Extreme differences in color can greatly affect your image. If you decide to use flash instead of continuous light, be prepared for a challenge beyond basic exposure. Flash exposure is determined by f/stop only, has limits on sync speed and requires special equipment to trigger. The quality of light from a light tent is very even and often shadowless. Shadows are important because they create the shape of the product and provide a sense of place. It is my personal opinion that the image result from window light is more dynamic and interesting than a light tent. If you still find yourself wanting to purchase or build a light tent, be prepared to learn how f/stops, shutter speeds, ISO, and color balance are set on the camera and with individual lights. Limitations with this setup DIY window light setup vs. professional studio. One issue people have with this setup is that their photos don’t look absolutely perfect. For example, some people have struggled with reflective products using this method because it reflects the windows, like in the examples below. Only a professional on an advanced set can achieve perfect results. Like anything, there are limitations with DIY. Most people can shoot great photos in a single light environment, like the natural window light strategies discussed above. However, to photograph difficult products (e. clear or reflective products) perfectly requires a multi-light studio setup and a deep technical knowledge of photography. If you’ve reached your limitations, you may want to consider hiring a professional product photographer instead. The average cost of getting a professional white background photo is around $30-40 per photo and there are many options online. This could be a worthwhile investment as quality product photos do convert better. Start by running a Google search for local product photography services. And there you have it! The simple ‘how to take your own product photos on a white background without having to buy tons of gear and complicated lighting’ article. If you try this method, please post an image of your setup and a final product photo. We’d love to see the results! Still haven't created your store yet? No problem. Start your free 14-day trial of Shopify—no credit card required!

Sou seu novo fã <3. A fotografia como arte contemporânea. A fotografia filme. Mas não explicou porque todos viram e ninguém fez nada ? nem chamaram a polícia. Vc é sensacional! Só agradecer,meus filhos falam que quando crescerem serão Cientistas como o Iberê hahaha muito legal ♥️ referência.

Filme top, so tem q prestar bastante atençao. A fotografia do mickey. PHOTOGRAPHY & VIDEO CLASSES Become the photographer you've always wanted. Today's greats will show you how. Fotografia a perros. Vc só precisa de uma lata de leite em pó,um prego,10 gramas de poeira lunar,uma bomba atômica e a caixa preta de um avião.

Muito bom o filme: imagem audio sensacional. Parabéns amo suspense. Gente por favor aqui não tem que querer corrigir erro de português de ninguém. Cada um escreve da sua maneira. Eu entendi todos os comentários. A fotografia chaves. I am so happy that inspiring persons as Sebastio Salgado exists! THANK YOU so much for this talk and your stunning photography, including the wonderful documentary that Wim Wenders made. Especially in these alarmingly times, Sebastio is able to reach us all, to touch our hearts with his authentic story. It gives me hope that we as humans are capable to save and rebuilt our planet, that we have the power to join and inspire eachother worldwide in our deepest values of love and caring, starting positive actions now, each and every day, as in the smallest contribution of humanity can hide the biggest impact.

Fotografia a blanco y negro. A fotográfia nagykönyve. A fotografia no cinema. A photography artists. Vídeo maravilhoso, muito obrigada. A fotografia prisma. Fotografia a 2. A fotografia na arte. Amazing. A fotografia como meio de comunicação. La fotografia a partir de 1945. A fotografia e&o impressionismo. Simplesmente MARAVILHOSO. A fotografia frases. A fotografico. A fotografia artistica como meio de comunicação. Muito bom o filme recomendo. .👍👍. A fotografia.


Obrigado, vc fez um ótimo trabalho. Fera, adoro as aulas amigo, abração. A fotografia mostra uma turista aparentemente. What is a Photo Tour? Loved by non-photographers too, we seek out the world's most extraordinary wildlife, landscape and cultural experiences then tour small groups there in comfort, providing unique access away from the crowds with exclusive charter of ships, aircraft, vehicles and remote lodges for not only the most incredible, unhurried photography opportunities on Earth, but also an unforgettable holiday. I love to travel, but I hate being stuck with loads of other people (especially when we've got nothing in common), being taken to the regular, over-crowded tourist attractions or wasting time in an amazing country just relaxing by some pool. I want to get the most out of my holidays - I want to see as many different animals as I can, I want to travel through different landscapes and be shown hidden gems off the beaten path, I want to experience the culture, taste the food, meet new friends with similar interests, enjoy some luxury and importantly, I want to have the time to take some beautiful and unique photos of it all. This is what we strive for with our photography tours and workshops. It's not enough for me to spot a distant lion, tick it off and move on - I wan't to have the option to try and get closer, on the correct side for best lighting and even wait for him to lift his head and stare directly down the barrel of my camera lens for a great photo - or to move on when I'm done - I want flexibility. I want the inside tips for the best photo location to be ready when the sun rises over the horizon and spills across the bay onto those boulders - and if I can't quite get my photo to work, it'd be awesome to have a friendly pro-photographer right there to offer advice (not one who'll stand in front of me to get the best shot themselves! ). If there's a seal colony out on an island nearby, then I'd want to charter a boat tour out there just with my friends onboard so we can spend as much or as little time as we want to get the photos without being crowded on a regular sight-seeing tour. If the seal colony was a bit of a tourist attraction on a local beach then I'd want to wait for the crowds to leave, and go down onto the beach after hours - just us as a small group, and a private ranger guide to photograph them at our leisure in beautiful evening lighting. You don't even need to be a photographer to love this style of holiday - who wouldn't like a bit of luxury and a bit of extra patience from their tour leaders, or to be given the opportunity to fly over lakes covered in pink flamingos in Africa in a doors-off plane or over a beautiful coastline in a doors-off helicopter for some epic views? Stay on a private island, learn some new skills with your photography, make some new friends and have an unforgettable, unique holiday - all at the same time! Sound good? Well, there's a reason more than half of our guests come back again, and again on our photo tours!


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A photography visual. @ 13:47 Very good analogy on why we need to treasure our trees. I'm no tree-hugger, but I anyone would be foolish to deny this. E uma propaganda da eco pix. Fotografia a animales. Muito bom. Obrigado por compartilhar. MUITOOOO OBRIGADAAAA, acabei de trocar estava configurado no automá ABENÇOE SEUS NEGÓCIOS, de coração...

Ta me zuando este final neh, acho que o autor perdeu a linha e o diretor foi junto. a mulher se torna uma assassina pra curar sua loucura, termina presa e feliz 👏👏👏👏👏 😒. A fotografia para iniciantes. A fotografia feita sob luz polarizada. Filme intrigante, mas bom... Nossa muito bom eu sou nova na área de fotografia, e nao conseguia focar mas vc me ajudou muito. A fotografia mais antiga do mundo. A fotografia datada de 1860. Muito bom. Excelente trabalho. Parabéns. A primeira fotografia do mundo. Afotography.



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So thankful that: Steve Bannon helped us with #EP2019. Storia di B. La scomparsa di mia madre free download manager. CLICK HERE TO WATCH FULL ►► Visit. VERGOGNA. Questa donna è splendida nella sua naturalezza, nell'intelligenza... e nell' anima anche pare. Ce ne vorrebbero di piú di donne come lei a contrastare questa consumistica superficiale societá♥. Love him. This looks fascinating. Interesting that those in power on the far Left, the Democrat Socialists, are the anti-Semites of today.

Per me e stato il marito a farla sparire chissà perché ha ritrovato la scarpa di Samira mi sembra la storia di Misseri quanto fece ritrovare il cellulare di Sara. Storia di B. La scomparsa di mia madre free download. Che schifo. Fa vomitare. Storia di b. la scomparsa di mia madre free download pdf. Storia di b. la scomparsa di mia madre free download youtube. Storia di b. la scomparsa di mia madre free download game. YouTube. Storia di b. la scomparsa di mia madre free download torrent. Italy’s Palomar Launches Documentaries Unit Headed by Andrea Romeo (Exclusive) 12 February 2020 Variety Palomar, the Italian TV and film production company behind “ Inspector Montalbano ” and “ The Name of The Rose, ” is launching a unit dedicated to documentaries to be headed by Andrea Romeo, founder and chief of Italy’s Biografilm Festival. Palomar Doc, which will become operational in March, will be developing and producing docs and doc series by Italian and European directors for theatrical and platform distribution with a special focus on tapping into new opportunities offered by streamers, the company said in a statement. Romeo will be at the European Film Market in Berlin scouting for projects. While Italy is quite active in terms of its overall docs output, the country has plenty of room for improvement when it comes to churning out high-profile docs that can travel such as Agostino Ferrente ’s “ Selfie ” or Beniamino Barrese ’s “ The Disappearance of my Mother, ” which Kino Lorber recently released in the U. See full article at Variety » Cinema Eye Honors: ‘American Factory’, ‘Leaving Neverland’ Lead Winners 07 January 2020 by Anita Bennett Deadline American Factory took top honors at the 13th annual Cinema Eye Honors recognizing the best in documentary filmmaking, tonight at the Museum of the Moving Image in New York. A portrait of a once-closed Ohio factory bought by a Chinese billionaire, the Netflix release picked up awards for Outstanding Nonfiction Feature and Outstanding Direction for filmmakers Steven Bognar and Julia Reichert. CNN Films and Statement Pictures release, Apollo 11, a look at the first humans to land on the moon and return to Earth, also won two awards — Outstanding Editing for director/editor Todd Douglas Miller and Original Score for composer Matt Morton. Other winners included HBO ’s Leaving Neverland, Netflix’s Homecoming: A Film by Beyoncé, and National Geographic ’s The Cave. In December, the State Department denied Syrian-born filmmaker Feras Fayyad, who helmed The Cave, a travel visa to enter the United States to support the film, as Deadline reported Saturday. See full article at Deadline » ‘American Factory’ Wins Top Award at Cinema Eye Documentary Awards by Chris Lindahl Indiewire “ American Factory ” won the top award at the Cinema Eye Honors for Nonfiction Filmmaking Monday night, and directors Steven Bognar and Julia Reichert were also honored for Outstanding Direction, for their documentary about a former General Motors plant that is given a second life by a Chinese manufacturer. The film was among several on the Oscars shortlist to win at the annual awards ceremony. “ American Factory, ” which follows the changes that take place in a Dayton, Ohio suburb as a result of the factory’s change in ownership and examines the cultural clashes that come from a Chinese company opening up shop in the Us, has also won Critics’ Choice Documentary Awards for Best Political Documentary and Best Director, the Gotham Award for Best Documentary, and the International Documentary Association Award for Best Director. It also won the Directing Award at Sundance, where it premieired before being acquired by Netflix See full article at Indiewire » ‘American Factory’ Named Top Documentary at Cinema Eye Honors by Steve Pond The Wrap “ American Factory ” has been named the best documentary of 2019 at the 13th annual Cinema Eye Honors ceremony, which were presented on Monday evening in New York City. The film, executive produced by Barack and Michelle Obama ’s production company, Higher Ground Productions, and distributed by Netflix, is an examination of an Ohio glass factory that was taken over by a Chinese company in an uneasy cultural alliance. It prevailed in a category in which all six nominees — “ American Factory, ” “ Apollo 11, ” “For Sama, ” “ Honeyland, ” “ Midnight Family ” and “ One Child Nation ” — are also on the Oscars shortlist for documentary features. The “ American Factory ” directors, Steven Bognar and Julia Reichert, also won the award for Outstanding Direction. The Outstanding Production category resulted in a tie between two films set in Syria, “The Cave” and “For Sama. ” Also Read: 'For Sama' Is Named Top Doc at Ida Documentary Awards “ Honeyland ” won for cinematography, See full article at The Wrap » Filmgoing Frenzy About to Start at Palm Springs Film Festival 20 December 2019 by Nick Clement With a focus on Italian films accompanying a large selection of international features, most of which are competing for Oscars, the 31st annual Palm Springs Intl. Film Festival will run Jan. 3-12. “ An Almost Ordinary Summer, ” directed by Simone Godano, will kick off the festival on Jan. 3. Other Italian films to unspool are “ The Champion, ” “Simple Women, ” “ The Disappearance of My Mother, ” “A Soul Journey, ” “ Martin Eden, ” “ Sole ” and “ The Traitor. ” The festival will close Jan. 12 with “ Military Wives, ” directed by Peter Cattaneo. Last year, Psiff attracted more than 136, 000 attendees and festival organizers anticipate just as many in 2020. “Some of our guests get a chance to see 40 movies in 10 days, ” says festival chairman Harold Matzner. “I don’t know how they do it, but they do, and it’s an incredible cultural experience. ” For her inaugural year, artistic director Lili Rodriguez added big awards season contenders including “ Pain and Glory, 10 Best Documentaries of 2019, From ‘Apollo 11’ to ‘One Child Nation’ (Photos) 10 December 2019 by Robert Abele Many documentaries suffer from a good-for-you coating, but the best ones have always been art in all its creativity, compassion and complexity, and 2019 was no exception. Whether personal or observed – straightforwardly told or formally experimental – the cream of this year’s bumper non-fiction crop dazzled with filmmaking brilliance. Runners-Up: 2019 also floored me with the dance majesty of “Cunningham, ” the gospel truth of “ Amazing Grace, ” the kids today of “Jawline, ” the pointed jocularity of “Hail Satan? ”, the nomadic poignance of “ Midnight Traveler, ” the testimonial heft of “ Leaving Neverland, ” the geopolitical smarts of “The Kingmaker, ” the lush positivity of “ The Biggest Little Farm, ” the soulful breadth of “The Apollo, ” and the patriotic power of “ Knock Down the House. ” 10. “The Island of Hungry Ghosts” On Christmas Island, land crabs migrate under protection, while behind the walls of an Australian detention facility nearby, captured asylum seekers open up to a caring counselor. Gabrielle Brady The Favourite leads the winners at the 2019 European Film Awards 08 December 2019 by Gary Collinson Flickeringmyth A year after its triumphs on the awards circuit, The Favourite was the toast of the town again last night in Berlin as the movie was named Best European Film and Best European Comedy at the 32nd annual European Film Awards, while Yorgos Lanthimos and Olivia Colman were named Best European Director and Best European Actress respectively. Other winners included Antonio Banderas (European Actor for Pedro Almodovar’s Pain and Glory), For Sama (European Documentary), Les Miserables (European Discovery) and Celine Sciamma (Best Screenwriter for Portrait of a Lady On Fire). Here’s the full list of winners from the night… European Film “ The Favourite ” “ Les Miserables ” “ An Officer and a Spy ” “ Pain and Glory ” “ System Crasher ” “ The Traitor ” European Comedy “ Ditte & Louise ” “ The Favourite ” “Tel Aviv on Fire” European Discovery “ Aniara ” “ Atlantics ” “ Blind Spot ” “Irina” “ Les Miserables ” “ Ray & Liz ” European Documentary “For Sama” “ Honeyland ” “Putin’s Witnesses See full article at Flickeringmyth » European Film Awards: Live Stream the 2019 Ceremony 07 December 2019 by Ryan Lattanzio Now in their 32nd year, the European Film Awards unfold Saturday in Berlin, and here’s where you can live-stream the ceremony. With some titles controversial ( Roman Polanski ’s “ An Officer and a Spy ”) and others at least a year old for those of us stateside (“ The Favourite ”), this year’s ceremony is sure to be a fun romp. Leading the pack is director “ An Officer and a Spy, ” the Dreyfus affair drama that picked up a top prize at Venice back in September, tied for four nominations alongside Pedro Almodóvar ’s self-reflective “ Pain and Glory, ” Marco Bellocchio ’s “ The Traitor, ” and Yorgos Lanthimos’ “Favourite. ” While released in the fall of 2018 in the United States, the latter film’s international release window made it eligible for the European Film Awards this year. “ The Favourite ” won star Olivia Colman, who plays a gout-stricken Queen Anne, a Best Actress Academy Award earlier 15 Films to See in December 02 December 2019 by Jordan Raup The Film Stage It’s the final month of the year and there’s no shortage of cinematic gifts. From long-awaited features from some of our favorite directors to genre-tinged delights to massive blockbusters, December is overflowing with films to see. We should note that Portrait of a Lady on Fire is an essential watch, but it’s only getting a one-week awards-qualifying run in NY/La, so we’ll wait to feature it when it opens wide this February. Check out our monthly picks below. 15. Little Joe ( Jessica Hausner; Dec. 6) After landing on our radar with the formally thrilling, adventurous Amour Fou, Jessica Hausner finally returned with Little Joe. Starring Emily Beecham, Ben Whishaw, and Kerry Fox, the Cannes winner is set in the near-future where a plant is invented that begins to psychologically alter those who come in contact with it. This plays out in the story of a mother who See full article at The Film Stage » Academy Documentary Branch Faces Daunting 159 Non-Fiction Feature Oscar Submissions 12 November 2019 by Anne Thompson Thompson on Hollywood Two years ago, the Academy documentary branch had to grapple with a record 170 documentary feature submissions for the Best Documentary Feature Oscar. This year, it’s not so bad: only 159 were entered. The short list of 15 will be announced, along with eight others, on December 16. All year, branch members have been getting lists of secure online screeners available to watch on the Academy website, increasing in volume, with more to come. Each voter is assigned a list of about 22-23 films to screen, so they all get covered. But it’s a burden to see them all, so the ones with the most attention move to the top of the much-watch list. Give the advantage to box-office hits that were made available earlier in the year such as Neon’s “ The Biggest Little Farm ” and “ Apollo 11, ” as well as high-profile titles from HBO (“ Diego Maradona ” and “ The Apollo ”), Netflix, See full article at Thompson on Hollywood » Two years ago, the Academy documentary branch had to grapple with a record 170 documentary feature submissions for the Best Documentary Feature Oscar. Give the advantage to box-office hits that were made available earlier in the year such as Neon’s “ The Biggest Little Farm ” and “ Apollo 11, ” as well as high-profile titles from HBO (“Diego Maradona” and “ The Apollo ”), Netflix, Oscars: 159 Documentary Features Submitted For 2019 Race by Erik Pedersen The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has released its list of 159 documentary features that have been submitted for the 92 annual Academy Awards. See the full list below. A shortlist of 15 films will be announced on December 16. The Academy notes that several of the films have not had their required Los Angeles and New York qualifying releases yet. Submitted features must fulfill the theatrical release requirements and comply with all of the category’s other qualifying rules in order to advance in the voting process. Documentary features that have won a qualifying award at a competitive film festival or have been submitted in the International Feature Film category as their country’s official selection also are eligible in the category. Here is the alphabetical list: Advocate After Parkland The All-Americans Always in Season The Amazing Johnathan Documentary American Dharma American Factory American Relapse Angels Are Made of Light The Apollo Apollo 11 Aquarela Ask Dr. Oscars Documentary Race Welcomes 159 Films, From ‘Apollo 11’ to ‘The Apollo’ A total of 159 documentary features have qualified in the Oscars’ Best Documentary Feature category, the Academy announced on Tuesday. Last year, 166 documentaries qualified. In 2017, a record 170 made the cut. All of the films are now available to members of the Documentary Branch to stream on the Academy’s secure members website. The films have been placed there over the last six months, with 23 added to the site in June, 24 in July, 26 in August, 19 in September and 62 in October and only five in November. Also Read: ' Maiden ' Star Tracy Edwards Kept Her Story 'Messy' to Serve the Next Generation of Women Athletes (Video) Each member is randomly assigned 20% of the films as mandatory viewing but is free to see any additional films beyond those that are assigned. A preliminary round of voting will produce a 15-film shortlist, with a second-round narrowing those 15 to the five nominees. This year is ‘The Traitor, ’ ‘An Officer and a Spy, ’ ‘Pain and Glory’ Lead European Film Awards Race 09 November 2019 by Leo Barraclough and Jamie Lang Marco Bellocchio ’s “ The Traitor, ” Roman Polanski ’s “ An Officer and a Spy ” and Pedro Almodóvar ’s “Pain and Glory” lead the race for the 32nd European Film Awards with four nominations apiece in the major categories. The awards, voted on by more than 3, 600 members of the European Film Academy, will be presented at the awards ceremony on Dec. 7 in Berlin. Céline Sciamma ’s “ Portrait of a Lady on Fire ” and Yorgos Lanthimos ’ “ The Favourite ” followed with three nominations in the top categories each, while Ladj Ly ’s “ Les Misérables ” and Nora Fingscheidt ’s “ System Crasher ” were both short-listed in two major categories. “ The Favourite ” picked up an additional nomination in the comedy category, while “ Les Misérables ” received a further nomination in the Discovery section for newcomers. A single nomination each went to “ A White, White Day, ” “And Then We Danced, ” “Beanpole, ” “Gundermann” and “Queen of Hearts. ” Competing for best documentary are “For Sama, Roman Polanski’s ‘An Officer and a Spy’ Leads 2019 European Film Award Nominations The movie awards season is full speed ahead, and today, the European Film Awards unveiled their nominations for the best films of 2019. Leading the pack is director Roman Polanski ’s “ An Officer and a Spy, ” the Dreyfus affair drama that picked up a top prize at Venice back in September, tied for four nominations alongside Pedro Almodóvar ’s self-reflective “Pain and Glory, ” Marco Bellocchio ’s “ The Traitor, ” and Yorgos Lanthimos ’ “ The Favourite. “ The Favourite ” won star Olivia Colman, who plays a gout-stricken Queen Anne, a Best Actress Academy Award earlier this year — the movie’s only win from 10 nominations. Also picking up heat among the nominees is Céline Sciamma ’s “ Portrait of a Lady on Fire, ” which Neon opens stateside in December. Sciamma Roman Polanski Leads European Film Awards Nominations for ‘An Officer and a Spy’ Only a few days after Roman Polanski was accused of a 1975 rape by a French actress, the director has become one of the leading nominees for the 2019 European Film Awards for his film “An Officer and a Spy. ” The drama about the Dreyfus affair in 19th century France landed four nominations, tying it with Yorgos Lanthimos ’ “ The Favourite, ” Pedro Almodovar’s “Pain and Glory, ” and Marco Bellocchio ’s “ The Traitor ” for the most Efa nominations. Those four films were all nominated in the European Film category, along with “ Les Miserables ” and “ System Crasher. ” Polanski was also nominated for European director, along with Almodovar, Bellocchio, Lanthimos and Celine Sciamma for “ Portrait of a Lady on Fire. ” “An Officer and a Spy” also received nominations for lead actor Jean Dujardin and for its screenplay by Polanski and Robert Harris. Also Read: 'An Officer and a Spy' Review: Roman Polanski Is No Emile ‘Pain And Glory’, ‘An Officer And A Spy’, ‘The Traitor’ lead 2019 European Film Awards nominations by 1101184¦Orlando Parfitt¦38¦ ScreenDaily Yorgos Lanthimos ’ The Favourite and Céline Sciamma ’s Portrait Of A Lady On Fire are just behind with three nominations. The Nominations for the 2019 European Film Academy Awards were revealed this afternoon at the Seville European Film Festival, with Pedro Almodovar’s Pain And Glory, Roman Polanski ’s An Officer And A Spy and Marco Bellocchio ’s The Traitor leading the way with four nominations each. The trio are all up for best European film alongside Yorgos Lanthimos’ The Favourite, just behind with three nominations including best actress for Olivia Colman, and Ladj Ly ’s Les Misérables, with two nominations. See full article at ScreenDaily » ‘American Factory, ’ ‘Apollo 11’ Top Cinema Eye Honors Documentary Nominations 07 November 2019 “ American Factory ” and “ Apollo 11 ” led all films in nominations for the 13th annual Cinema Eye Honors, a New York-based awards show created to pay tribute to all facets of nonfiction filmmaking. The two films each received five nominations, including Outstanding Nonfiction Feature, from the Cinema Eye jury of festival programmers, as well as votes from this year’s eligible filmmakers. The full slate of nominees in that category is a solid lineup of the year’s most acclaimed docs. In addition to Steven Bognar and Julia Reichert ’s “ American Factory ” and Todd Douglas Miller ’s “ Apollo 11, ” it includes Waad al-Kateab and Edward Watts ’ “ For Sama, ” Ljubomir Stefanov and Tamara Kotevska ’s “ Honeyland, ” Luke Lorentzen ’s “ Midnight Family ” and Nanfu Wang and Jialing Zhang ’s “ One Child Nation. ” Also Read: 12 Documentaries to Check Out This Fall, Including Films by Bruce Springsteen and Agnès Varda (Photos) “ American Factory, ” “ Apollo 11 Official Us Trailer for 'The Disappearance of My Mother' Fashion Doc 01 November 2019 by Alex Billington "What is the point of continuing to sell our bodies without any quality or talent. " Kino Lorber has debuted a new official Us trailer for the indie documentary titled The Disappearance of My Mother, which first premiered at the Sundance Film Festival earlier this year. We originally featured a trailer in January before the festival, now we have another trailer for the film's opening in December. An iconic fashion model in the 1960s, Benedetta Barzini became a muse to Warhol, Dali, Penn and Avedon. As a radical feminist in the 1970s, she fought for the rights and emancipation of women. But at the age of 75, she is fed up with all the roles that life has imposed upon her and decides to leave everything and everybody behind, to disappear to a place as far as possible from the gaze of the camera. Only her son Beniamino, the director, is permitted to witness her journey. See full article at » Beyoncé’s ‘Homecoming’ Leads Cinema Eye Honors 2020 Nominations 24 October 2019 For twelve years now, the Cinema Eye Honors selection committees, comprised of filmmakers from the documentary community, help to whittle down a curated list of must-see non-fiction film and television. At the annual Cinema Eye brunch, Cinema Eye Honors founding director A. J. Schnack and his team unveiled the first in a series of awards announcements, including nominees for two new awards: Outstanding Achievement for a Broadcast Film or Series in Editing and Cinematography. Netflix, 30 for 30, Hulu and Showtime Documentary Films hosted the lunch at Tartine Bianco in Los Angeles, attended by many filmmakers, including many of this year’s non-fiction contenders: Nanfu Wang + Jialing Zhang, Todd Douglas Miller, Petra Costa, Steven Bognar + Julia Reichert, Lauren Greenfield, and Feras Fayyad. Beyoncé Knowles-Carter’s “ Homecoming ” (Netflix) led the Broadcast honorees with three nominations: Broadcast Film, Broadcast Editing and Broadcast Cinematography. Other multiple nominees included National Geographic ’s “Apollo: Mission to the Moon, See full article at Thompson on Hollywood », Inc. takes no responsibility for the content or accuracy of the above news articles, Tweets, or blog posts. This content is published for the entertainment of our users only. The news articles, Tweets, and blog posts do not represent IMDb's opinions nor can we guarantee that the reporting therein is completely factual. Please visit the source responsible for the item in question to report any concerns you may have regarding content or accuracy.

Anyone else notice, Steve Bannon is really Bush campaign head Karl Rove with hair. I will be definitely be watching out for this video. It's always fun to laugh at the mentally deranged.



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1Hour 46 minute. countries - USA. reviews - En Brazos de un Asesino is a movie starring William Levy, Dalisa Alegria, and Ettore D'Alessandro. Victor (William Levy) has a deep secret - he is a cold-blooded assassin. Smooth talking and seductive, Victor was raised to do one. Ettore D'Alessandro, William Levy. Creator - William Levy. Directed by - Matías Moltrasio. Ya de me hacía raro k tanto amor si no la pela entre menos la pela más rogona se hace ganas de agarrala del pescuezo y de decirle delaño ya en paz despiértate no te kiere ni sta con tigo x tus hijos y s todo no entiendes te hubieras quedado con Erik elias el si te quería y te lísiate quedar con Levy te aguantas k tenga las mujeres k kiera x k tu no lo dejas ya párale y vete increíble k ella nacida aki. Sea tan arrastrada y el de cuba bien emprendedor x novelas o lo k sea el lo consigue Y no se muere de hambre le busca una y otra cosa pero ella con sus cremas ridículas y su le seria k solo usa para ponérselas y tomar fotos encueronas Levy no la kiere el solo toma fotos con sus hijos y pone fotos de ellos ella es la rogona la verdad me cae muy mal x k le encanta jugar ala familia feliz 😃 cuando desde el polo norte se nota k Levy no la quiere y ella ahí sigue poniéndose mas silicones entre las se ponga o se quite esta igual y mas de actitud y si no me creen miren protagonistas de telenovela los teatros l le armaba ahí a Wii Liam porque eso no la kiere x l ahí la ludo y andaba de coqueta con Erik elias y con wuiliam k todo le molestaba x eso me cae mal no entiende en inglés ni en espańol ni en ningún idioma k Levy no la quiere y sigue arrastrándose una vieja así cae mal c k lo último k ella hace es usar a los hijos y ella no s lo k hace ese es su precio de sus hijos wuilam K horror rebajarse cuando alguien te dice no te kiero. Y sigue ahí el l por su gusto es buy hasta las colluntas lambe la sa es Elizabeth gutierrez no sirve para nada solo para corretear a quilo am definitely un lado a otro y creó su hija va x igual camino. Desde ahorita se nota como la arregla cuando tenga 15 ya va a ande igualita l ella y cómo sos mismos valores le va a enseńar ese autoestima.

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En brazos de un asesino wiki. En Brazos de un asesinato. En brazos de un asesino repelis. You simply must see this great Mexican gangster story with an attractive, compelling cast that kept me in my seat throughout this action movie on Friday Dec 6. Leading Lady Alicia "The Body" Sanz is so wonderfully at home in the altogether (both in the shower and while being strip-searched for a tracking device) that her scenes could exist separately and still be a box office hit. 8 out of 10 for the movie. 10 out of 10 for Miss Sanz. Highly Recommended.

En brazos de un asesino movie wikipedia. En brazos de un asesino online sa prevodom. En brazos de un asesino movie dvd release. En brazos de un asesino movie times. Photos Add Image Add an image Do you have any images for this title? Edit Storyline Victor (William Levy) has a deep secret - he is a cold-blooded assassin. Smooth talking and seductive, Victor was raised to do one thing only, which is to kill for money. When he is sent to the home of a brutal drug lord to collect payment for his most recent hit, he encounters the beautiful Sarai (Alicia Sanz), who has been forced to spend the last 9 years of her life with the drug lord. After Victor leaves the compound, Sarai seizes her chance at freedom by hiding out in Victor's car. But things don't go as planned and instead of being transported back to her home, she finds herself free from one dangerous man only to be caught in the clutches of another. While on the run from the vengeful drug lord and his brutal henchmen, Victor's conscience catches up with him as he risks all that he stood for to protect his captive. In the end, the power Sarai unknowingly holds over Victor and their undeniable attraction may be what places her right in the arms of a killer. Written by Pantelion Plot Summary | Add Synopsis Details Release Date: 6 December 2019 (USA) See more » Also Known As: En Brazos de un Asesino Box Office Opening Weekend USA: $226, 670, 8 December 2019 Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $425, 332 See more on IMDbPro » Company Credits Technical Specs See full technical specs » Did You Know? Trivia This movie is based off a book series called "On the company of killers ", first book in the series "Killing Sarai"by JA Redmerski. See more ».

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En brazos de un asesino movie william levy. In as actually wanted to see the movie because I'm a big William Levy fan and a romance sucker. So I loved the idea of the storyline. It being in Spanish made it that much more awesome. William and Alicia played great chemistry between their characters even not long after they met each other in character you can see the chemistry "Victor" and "Sarai" gave off each other without words. And I felt the action was there in the movie. I'm hoping they continue the book series into movies.